Life Is, Indeed, a Pitch

Greg: Do you have a coke hook-up in LA? Dan Johnson: Not yet! Dan Johnson: I'll ask around Greg: I'll put out some feelers on your behalf Dan Johnson: haha thanks Dan Johnson: I'm not going to do coke at Ojai. Dan Johnson: not even if it meant that I could offer some to the Oberlin alumni of 8th Blackbird and call the piece, Dan Johnson: OH HI, O HIGH OJAI OHIOANSWhich is basically the most genius thing I have ever come up with. But also, kids? Say no to drugs.
Labels: eighth blackbird
Brilliant. Also, Oberlin is pretty much the ONLY good thing about Ohio (I hear there's a decent symphony with a mediocre conductor [who does opera kinda well] around too)
That's pretty funny. You took it a step further than we expected, and that's cool. "Only I know the extent to which I can go too far.".....Jean Cocteau
If not there, where?
Don't you mean "Oh hai, o high Ojai Ohioans"? (Aren't drug jokes always funnier in LOLspeak?)
Also, do you really need a coke hookup in LA? Don't they basically hand out 8-balls to all arriving passengers at LAX?
Don't be badmouthing Welser-Möst! He's awesome. Oberlin, on the other hand, is basically insufferable, in that special way that only liberal arts colleges can be. Other awesome things about Ohio include the food (seriously, ask Ruhlman), Flex Baths in Cleveland, and affordable, surprisingly high-quality marijuana.
On the downside, living there gave me a nervous breakdown.
I fear I may have said too much already.
well I don't have a hookup here in town (although I'm sure it must be plentiful). You do have a point w/ ruhlman though, I haven't properly explored Cleveland cuisine. Then again, I'm spoiled from Boston/NY and I no longer have a foie-priced income. I'm glad we made the list though lol.
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